Business Advisory
We can assist you in selecting the right business structure that will suit your needs and individual requirements. Getting the right structure set up when you first start is vital.
Business Start-Up & Registrations
We can assist you in the set up of a:
- Company
- Trust
- Partnership
- Sole Trader Business
The service includes procuring the Company Register and Trust Deed and applying for all relevant registrations including ABN, TFN, GST, and PAYG Withholding.
ASIC Agent Services
For those with a Company, your company has many reporting obligations and we can assist you to keep in line with ASIC's regulations.
Business Planning and Strategies
Business planning is an important aspect of managing and running your business that will provide you an essential guide to your long term business development.
We can work with you and assist in the following areas;
- Setting your business budget and forecasts
- Provide independent appraisal of your business strategic ideas
- Provide skilled and objective views of the means and methods to best achieve your objectives
- Perform periodic business performance reviews of your business current financial position
- Identify problem areas and issues of concern
- Provide advice on dealing and adopting processes to address the problem areas
- Provide tax planning at year end to minimize taxation liability
Buying and Selling a Business
We can help you review Vendors Financial Statements and provide independent and objective views and opinions.
If you wish to have a detailed pre purchase "Due Dilligence" performed on the Vendor, we can assist you with this process and fully explain to you what will be involved in performing the Due Dilligence and the areas and processes to be covered.
We can assist you with preparation of documents required for obtaining finance required for the business acquisition, i.e. Budgets and Cash flow Forecasts for banks.
We can provide the appropriate advice to best help you prepare your business for a sale and assist you with strategies to try and maximize and realize the best possible sale price.
We can also advise on various business sale options and strategies to minimize the income tax implications on the sale of the business.
If you are selling a business for a value of up to $350,000, it is a requirement to provide via the selling agent or directly to an interested Purchaser, a FORM 2 / Section 52 "Statement By a Vendor of a Small Business". We can prepare this for you as your acting Tax Agent.
If a proposed Buyer requires a "Due Dilligence" to be conducted on your business by his Financial Representative ( Accountant/Tax Agent/Advisor), we can assist you in the preparation and compilation of the Information Request Documentation, and liase with the Buyer(s) representative during the sale process.